On Wednesday 28 January 2004 17:59, Thomas Spuhler wrote:
>I have been a Gimp user on Mandrake (currently 9.2) for quite some
> time. I am currently using Gimp2-pre2. One of the features that I
> find annoying is the printing. It is difficult to use other
> printers than the standard, at least I don't know a direct and easy
> way.
>Using Gimp's normal printing feature is nice and OK for home usage
> or if always printing to the very same printer.
>Using kprinter is a really nice way to print in a corporate
> environment. I can choose the printer I like or need on the
> corporate network.
>Would there be a possiblity to make just one small change and do it
> like Adobe Acrobat Reader: You just type in krinter into the
> printer field in the printing dialog?

If you were using gimp-print and cups, it would be pretty easy I 
think.  I have 2 printers, both epson ink squirters, and 4 actual 
definitions setup, 2 for each printer in cups.  1 low res for text 
type outputs, and one hi-res for text+photo, both in color, for each 

To the Gimp, they are simply lp0, lp1, lp2, and lp3, and the 
gimp-print dialog allows you to change which printer you are using.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap,
ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
99.22% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
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