On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 04:50:03PM -0500, Timothy E. Jedlicka - wrk wrote:
> As mentioned, the exif header info in the jpg is telling kuickshow how to 
> rotate the image. After editing in Gimp, you can use "jpegtran" to change the 
> exif info (to not rotate).
> jpegtran -rotate 90 file.jpg > newfile.jpg

There is also the jhead utilisty to manipulate the exif data.

jhead -norot <filename>  clears the rotating fild in the exif header.

> this is a lossless conversion, only effecting the exif header.
> -----
> Timothy Jedlicka, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1-630-713-4436, AOL-IM=bonzowork
> Network Entomologist, Lucent Technologies, Testers For Hire
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