On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 09:06:32PM +0200, klaus triendl wrote:
> hi,
> as i don't know how it is called what i wanna make, i paraphrise it:
> at gnome.org and other gnome-related sites there is a background image
> at the very top of the site, having alternating brighter and
> normal-color stripes.
> how can i reach this effect?
the scripts are all there.  it is so much fun to run through the scripts
and familiarize yourself with them.  you are actually not doing the fun
part where you search for the script yourself.

i had to do this with every other graphics application i tested.  one
way to look through the scripts is to look through the menu options for
the some words that describe this affect.

making the script work is also entertaining and fun.  some need
different formats to perform.  it is just as entertaining to consider
why the script will only work on greyscales as it is to watch tv or cook
a meal.

gnome sticks to themselves pretty well.  while some icons were probably
made with propietary software (we dont talk about it, there are
developmental reasons to make some sorts of images, depending on the
date and conditions); but i can guarentee that gnome.org front page web
images were made with the gimp.

the fun is in figuring out how the artist did it.  have some fun?


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