> The GIMP is licensed under the GPL. The GPL does not
> affect anything you create 
> with the software. 

Yes, the only exception are programs like bison (a
C-code generator), who copy part of its source into
the output. So you have to apply the software licence
to its output. But it's a very peculiar case, and
these applications, like Bison itself, are often
released under less restricitive licences to allow
people to use their output anyway.

The problem with the Gimp is that some image formats
can be patented so you may still break some law, but
gimp developers surely knows more about this issue so
wait for their more authoritative answers.

Please note that these problems are not related to the
commercial nature of your site. You have to be careful
with image format patents even if you create no-profit
sites for charities!

-- andrea


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