On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 09:31:23AM -0600, Justin Gombos wrote:
> * Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-08-07 06:59]:
> > 
> > Yellow and black crop frame? That's the border of the active layer,
> > not at all related to crop.
> Thanks for clearing that up - and thanks to those who privately
> replied.  I guess I discovered the layer border at the same time I was
> playing with crop.  And to add to the confusion, floating layers were
> trimming my image at the border, as if to be cropping.  So I've spent
> a maddening few hours trying to use crop to manipulate what was really
> a layer border.  For the record, the solution is to do a "layer to
> imagesize."
and what does this get you?  you only need to do this if you need the
extra space on the layer.

i suggest that you want to use Photoshop; a not as complex graphics app
that has been built for people who cannot understand (or hope to learn
to understand) different sizes of layers.

does anyone know if photoshop has a tooltip explaining the reason they
need the same size layer everywhere?

> As a suggestion to any developers who may be following this thread, it
> would be really nice if there were a mouse-over that tells the user
> that the yellow/black line is a layer border.  I then guess that would
> annoy the users who already know what it is.  
> Maybe a novice mode w/ mouse-overs?  I know a photoshop user who is an
> open-source gnu fanatic, and really wants to switch to gimp, but
> insists that gimp is too difficult to use, and has some missing
> functionality.  There's a good chance that the "missing functionality"
> is really a case of him not finding it.  
nothing that a little experience would fix.  the gimp is not photoshop
so it is a mistake to approach using it as if it is.

one thing that i do not understand is the need for floating layers.  i
dont think that this term is being used properly here.  is there any
reason that there needs to be the extra step to make pasting directly to
an existing layer easier?  it is so rare that i paste anything to an
existing layer.  it makes more sense to me to make the extra step for
those rare occasions that you do paste right to an existing layer.



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