On Mon January 3 2005 11:12 am, Gracia M. Littauer wrote:
> I'm asking again because someone may have received or given themself
> a new toy. Is so & you use Linux SuSE 9.2 does it work well (at
> all?)...especially with Gimp, of course.

Saw your previous post and SLE post. I don't have an intuos but do have 
a wacom graphire USB that I use on SuSE9.0 w/ xorg 6.7 (can't remember 
if it's first or second generation graphire) I could send you my 
xf86config file if you like.

The tablet works adaquately but is no great miracle. It also seems to 
disapear occasionally and needs to be replugged but it does work. I've 
also experienced occasional crashes when using it w/ gimp 1.2.* but 
none so far w/ gimp 2.*

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