Carol Spears wrote:
On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 09:13:50PM -0500, Geoffrey wrote:

Carol Spears wrote:

On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 07:51:01PM -0500, Geoffrey wrote:

I have been working with selecting sections of a photo so as to remove the background. Although it appears that I have selected the whole portion of the image, when I paste it to new, I see missing pixels. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Point is, if I've missed some pixels, they should show up as not selected right?

Gimp 2.0.4

I've dropped the two images here if you would like to check them out. Note the missing pixels on the second image, (primarily on her legs and arms).

it would be easier to see the problem with the xcf saved with the selection you used.

I put it on the site as well.

i looked at this. you could see with quickmask that there were some half alpha areas. i am not sure how you made the selections still, but i was able to fairly simply convert the selection to a path and back again (i did some feathering in between my steps) and the problem went away.

I don't understand how there could be half alpha areas. Will the selection tool do this? This was originally a jpeg. I'm not familiar with quickmask, I'll have to look into that. I don't have an understanding of paths either, so that will be a bit of research as well.

it would be someone elses call whether it is a bug or not.

Agreed. I'd like to understand whether it's my failing to understand the tool I'm using or a bug.

Well, I used the clone tool to fix it up, but I'm still thinking there's a problem with GIMP.

there are still ways to use the selection -- converting it to a path worked for me. the weird half selected areas were somewhat obvious with quickmask toggled.

I'll play with them and see what it does for me.

the image demonstrates a problem but it is not enough to determine if it
is your technique or a gimp bug.  also, before filing a bug report, it
might be good to update your gimp to 2.2 and see if the same problem
exists there.

I know, I've been planning, but it's been busy. I'll download it tonight. :)

if they would fix the file selector, it would be darn near perfect; as far as i am concerned.

I'm afraid I agree. :) Thanks for the feedback.

Until later, Geoffrey
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