On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 10:54:42AM +0100, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
> Carol Spears wrote:
> >On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 10:30:12AM +0100, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
> >
> >>I try to install photoshop on win and it work very well with these
> >>images and bigger images.
> >>
> >
> >how about some numbers showing that windows/photoshop work better?
> On the same machine with photoshop, a preview of a "curves" tool spend 
> only 4-5 seconds, but when press the OK button, it spend about the same
> time of gimp.
> I think that photoshop don't create a real preview, like gimp, but for a
> user that make a lot of changes (and preview) whit a single tool, for
> view if the changes are right, the photoshop solution is better.
> Try to think is a user want to make 5-6 tries to find that seem better,
> he must wait 50-80 seconds every time (50*5 = 250), while with photoshop
> only 4-5 seconds! (5*5 = 25)
well, then play fair.

turn the previews off and see how fast gimp seems.

you mention Curve Tool.  that preview is toggled on the dialog and by
default.  if you toggle this off and you haven't messed with the other
default setting, it should remain off from session to session.

i was anxious to see the same numbers from your machine using windows as
i did with the linux instance.  since these numbers are apparently not
available in that form, then run gimp using the same conditions.  no
previews and some "time marks".

it has taken me about 10 minutes to find the gimp preview and explain it
to you.

can you spend 10 minutes and tell me how to show how photoshop works on
windows with the same type of numbers as you did originally with gimp?


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