Hi Barton

I went through the INSTALL file in 2.2.6's tar.gz and there I found the following text!

"Please make sure you don't have any old GTK+-2.x, jpeg, etc. libraries
lying around on your system, otherwise configure may fail to find the
new ones."

Only after reading all the tech stuff (and the above) there did I post to the list.  Gimp2.2.6 install worked and Gimp also seems to be working fine.  However, I will now really do some tests (including the scenarios you mentioned) to make sure the Gimp did install OK.

I really want to know how the scenario quoted above can be prevented as downloading all the dependencies is not a problem - the real problem is the potential conflict between the old and the new files.

Best regards


Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 22:48:01 -0700
From: Barton Bosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Owen Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Gimp-user@lists.xcf.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.2.6 on Fedora Core 3
I've been meaning to take another shot at learning how to compile
the gimp from source for a while now.  I'm running FC2 which has
rpms available for almost all of the requirements and optional
packages.  Unfortunately the atk rpm is version 1.6.0
(www.gimp.org/source lists 1.6.1 as required) and the fontconfig rpm
is 2.2.1-10 (2.2.2 required).


So, two main questions: 1) is there a way to compile atk and
fontconfig in parallel to the already installed rpms (as the gimp
2.2.6 was) and then pass a configure option or edit a script to have
gimp use the new versions?;  and,

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