On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 06:10:08PM -0700, Richard C. Steffens wrote:
> On Monday 02 May 2005 5:36 pm, Carol Spears wrote:
> > many of us writing tutorials are curious what using the words "gimp
> > linux batch" in any search engine does for you.
> In Oregon, USA (I don't know if that really matters), Google gives me 74,100 
> hits, starting with:
yes, it is difficult to say what makes a search engine respond.  i saw
two computers in the same house, both using google with the default
moderately safe search option.  i cannot remember the search term but
the first hit in my mozilla displayed search was different than the
first hit in the internet explorer display.

it was michigan and i think there was snow on the ground.  in case this

> http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_gimp.htm
> Fourth on the list is:
> http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/
> Yahoo gives me 80,400 hits, starting with:
> http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/
> Ask Jeeves gives me 16,400 hits, starting with:
> http://gimp.linux.it/www/the_gimp_about.html
> The gimp.org/tutorials site did not show up on Ask Jeeves in the first 50 
> hits.

it looks like we do fairly well on your browser and mine on all except
the extremely safe web searches.

to be considered so safe and to still have such a terrible name -- it is
humbling that we are there at all.

i think that by the time ask jeeves considers gimp to be safe, gimp will
have surely jumped the shark.

batch processing with gimp is cool.  thanks for the fun :)


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