On Thu, 12 May 2005 17:20:07 -0700 (PDT)

> Announcing Stitch Panorama 0.9.2 (Beta)
> Stitch Panorama 0.9.2 is a beta version of a GIMP plug-in which
> creates a panorama from two images.  The plug-in is written in Python,
> and requires that you have a GIMP with python support.  The beta
> version of this plug-in is now available at sourceforge.net
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/stitchpanorama/).  It was developed
> with GIMP version 2.2.4 on a FC3 linux system.  It may or may not work
> with other versions of GIMP and other operating systems, but I'd like
> to know if anyone is successful at running this plug-in.

Well that was quite good, so thank you. Here I have 2.2.6 on Mdk-10.1

I had previously done a manual stitch of a couple of photos, but the plug in 
did a far better job.

See http://www.pcug.org.au/~rcook/Gimp/ for the stitching effort of this script 
compared to my original.

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