I really like this technique!

Besides the mentioned Newsprint filter there's Gimp's own
Filters/Artistic/Cartoon which can help a lot with the black parts. Edge
detection on a desaturated version of the layer can also help with
delineating the contours

The link that Jad Madi supplied also referenced the original Photoshop
tutorial at

Some of the methods that are used must be done differently in Gimp, but
apart from that it's the same moves. Admittedly I can't get my attempts
to turn out as nice as theirs.

1) The crosshatching technique in the dark areas is very essential to
this. I'm sure real Gimp-wizzes can achieve spectacular results with the
GIMPressionist or whatever but I'm a novice at that.
.. New layer
.. Drag the pattern 'Stripes 48x48' onto the layer
.. Filters/Map/Displace: In X and Y displace source menuboxes choose the
original layer
.. Add layer mask to the layer which should be distorted now (right
click on the layer in the layer menu
.. Copy original layer (select layer, Ctrl+C) and paste to the mask
(left click on mask, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-H)
.. Apply Curves to the mask (Layer/Color/Curves). Set the curve to
something like this: `\_      or   ``|__

2) He often uses a combination of Photoshop's Threshold (for making
something black-white) and a Diffuse filter which does anisotropic
filtering. I can only guess what it does as I don't have Photoshop, but
I think that Diffuse+anisotropic == Filters/Noise/Spread with a bit of
antialiasing to soften up the hard threshold. You should get the same
effect by copying the layer to a new image, double the size, applying
Spread, downscaling with Cubic interpolation and copying back again.
Anybody who knows a better technique?

3) His Filter/Artistic/Poster Edges is somewhat of a riddle to me,
especially since he sets Edge Thickness and Edge Intensity to 0.

4) Then comes my biggest problem: He uses Filter/Artistic/Cutout which
has it's closest sibling in Gimp's Image/Mode/Indexed (applyed to a copy
of the layer - set dithering to None, not Floyd-Steinberg, and a low
color count) or perhaps Layers/Colors/Posterize.
HOWEVER this renders very noisy borders between color bands. How to
simplify the borders is beyond me, unless one does a
Filters/Blur/Gaussian Blur first, but is that good?
Perhaps use Filters/Noise/Spread a bit to loosen up on the sharp color

5) He uses the original layer with blend-mode 'Color' for changing the
colors of his posterized layer. I don't think that Gimp and Photoshop
uses the same blend-scheme because he recommends changing both the
saturation and lightness of the color-layer for cartoonish style.
Nothing happens in Gimp when I change the layers saturation. But making
a second layer with mode set to 'Saturate' does somewhat the same.

That's what I can think of right know..


On Sun, 2005-05-29 at 16:44 +0100, Alan Horkan wrote:
> The more detail you provide in your question the better chance you have of
> getting exactly the answer you want.  If you want an effect like that seen
> in the Rhino picture you need to learn about Halftones, which is very much
> retro comic book style as opposed to some of the other simplrer more
> straighforward Cartoon effects like:
> Filters,
>   Artistic,
>     Cartoon...
> The wikipedia page isn't a bad place to start if you want to learn more
> about Halftones:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halftone
> There is also a plugin for the gimp that can achieve this effect but it
> was confusingly called "Newsprint".  The Newsprint plugin failed to
> mention the term Halftone in the short description so even when I knew
> what I was looking for it still took me ages to actually find the gimp
> version.
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=301201
> Thanks to Michael Natter the next version of the gimp Plugin
> Browser has a more flexible search tool which will hopefully make
> things easier to find in future but I still think the Newsprint plugin
> could benefit from an overhaul/rename/improved documentation.
> Here's an example from the RedHat Getting started guide which uses the
> Newsprint plugin
> http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/enterprise/RHEL-3-Manual/step-guide/s1-images-gimp.html
> Gimp User Manual, examples of Plugins including an example of Newsprint
> http://www.mhatt.aps.anl.gov/dohn/software/gimp/GUMC/#918427
> A GUG tutorial that makes various text effects using the Newsprint plugin
> http://gug.sunsite.dk/tutorials/tomcat2/
> Sincerely
> Alan Horkan
> Inkscape http://inkscape.org
> Open Clip Art http://OpenClipArt.org
> Dia http://gnome.org/projects/dia/
> On Sun, 29 May 2005, Donncha O Caoimh wrote:
> > Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 00:04:34 +0100
> > From: Donncha O Caoimh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Jad Madi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Cc: gimp-user@lists.xcf.berkeley.edu
> > Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Camera to Comic Book
> >
> > Here's a method I came across. Works quite well for certain photos...
> > http://blogs.linux.ie/xeer/2004/10/01/cartoonizing-photos-with-the-gimp/
> >
> > Donncha.
> >
> > Jad Madi wrote:
> > > http://www.flickr.com/groups_topic.gne?id=30241
> > >>
> > >>On 5/28/05, Jad Madi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>
> > >>>any idea how to apply camera to comic book technique with gimp?
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