Sven> One is the user point of view: a cluttered preferences
  Sven> dialog makes it very hard to locate the option you are
  Sven> looking for.

Is a compromise possible? Looking at how firefox handles this,
there are menu based preferences, and then there are "customizations" via 
about:config. about:config is even somewhat searchable/filter-able. If 
something like this was implemented then gimp could "vouch"/test the menu 
options, but if you invoke a "customization" then Your Kilometage May Vary.

Then we could argue whether an option should be a "preference" or a 
Timothy Jedlicka, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1-630-713-4436, AOL-IM=tjbonzo
Network Entomologist, Lucent Technologies, LWS NOVE Lab Operations

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