On 8/14/05, Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2005 at 08:27:54AM -0400, michael chang wrote:
> > On 8/14/05, Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > we have been talking about running another splash contest for the first
> > > two weeks in September.  the problem with this is that the timing has
> > > more to do with birthdays than it does with an important release (like
> > Ooh... sounds like fun. ^^
What birthday exactly is this running for, anyways?

> > > here is the resource a day page my script makes:
> > > http://carol.gimp.org/blog.html
> > > it is ugly and stupid and was fun to put together.  the pattern of the
> > Hah.  No kidding... first thing we should have is a "design a resource
> > of the day page layout contest".  ^^
> getting the information to the web page was my goal.  when it all
> started to get there, successfully -- this is when the ugly problems
> started.

It could be worse, I suppose.

> > > day is not viewable via internet explorer either, a design flaw.
> >
> > Why are you using CSS for the actual pattern:
> > "background-image:url(/gimp2/resources/default/2.3.0-patterns-3D_Green.png)"
> > yet you have <img src="frame.png" alt="frame"></img> for the frame?
> > Wouldn't this make more sense as: "background-image:url(frame.png)"
> > and <img src="/gimp2/resources/default/2.3.0-patterns-3D_Green.png"
> > alt="3D Green" /> ?  [BTW, I believe the </img> tag is deprecicated in
> > HTML -- they now suggest <img ... /> as a single standalone tag.  But
> > that's another issue entirely, and not really all that important.]
> >
> also, what i wanted was a sappy portrait
> look.  i got bored with making a fancy frame though and stuck by what
> color or metal or wood look to make it.  i recently looked through css2
> stuff to see if they had elliptical clipping and i had missed it.  i get
> bored with rectangles on web pages.  don't you?

That's why so many people preprocesss their patterns and images before
putting them on a web server...  as for the rectangle issue, well,
it's not like the circle is all that much better.  (No offense.)  If
you really want to get creative, try going for a mosaic effect... [try
using a table with 0 for the spacing and no borders and the like]

> i think many of the current patterns were created with POV-Ray.


> here is the list of the number of resources:
> gradients_number = 78
> patterns_number = 58
> palettes_number = 39
> brushes_number = 48
> tips_number = 34
> plugins_number = 255
> scripts_number = 207
> translations_number = 54
> changelogs_number = 1315

> i was looking into having them rotate together, this time for a journal
> page.  if each gradient remains on the page for 3 days, the brushes
> would have to remain on the page for 5 days.  i was trying to plan this
> "journal" page so that they all started and ended together.  i went to
> sleep when i realized i was starting to see "resource leap days" in my
> ideas....

And yet you understand this planning has to be flexible for the
addition of new patterns.  Surely there is a way to devise an
algorithm for this?  For example, ensure that there is a minimum
length for an item to be on a page, and an ideal length for the
cycling, and then how frequently to cycle.  Nothing says you can't
have an automated script to calculate which one it's on in a cycle,
and have things cycling as frequently as every hour or three hours or

> seems like every resource should get a week.  i tried my hand at

1315 weeks for the change log entries?  I think not!

> something that gave you two days to be artistic and i failed.  i blame

I'd rather see more things in a shorter period of time than have
something hanging on the wall for two days.  It *is* a resource page
after all -- besides, you could always put in a fixed pattern, and
then that allows you to give the page a specific time code or similar
to get the same set again...

> the pressure.  if every gradient got 7 days it would take 546 days to
> run through them completely.  i think just interupting that for splash
> contests will be fun and a refreshing change.

It will, surely.  Then again, look at the IRTC -- they run contests
year round; each round lasts about 3-4 months.

> then there is the idea of new resources.  lately, adrian has been around
> and playing with the brushes.  he has two things he is working on.  one
> is this jitter effect for the brushes:
> http://carol.gimp.org/gimp2/artsy-fartsy/jitterbrush/


> he was working on another paint thing -- something about smudging.  i am
> unable to find the sample image he made, but the smudges with the green
> pepper were really beautiful.  i wanted my gimp to work that way and i

I'm not surprised, to be honest. *remembers a thing about virtual
apples somewhere*

> wanted to start making vegetable brushes to feed it.

What about fruit brushes?

> i am typing too much today, sorry.

Gee, if you think that's too much typing... I wonder about how much
typing I do.  It's alright, I think.

> along with the journal idea i had for the same information that is on
> that first ugly page, i am considering how to have a "guest resource of
> the day" without having too many resources to choose from and how to do
> that without offending people.

Ouch.  Too much thinking.

> in the end, collecting good resources and examples should be the goal
> more than something competitive.  the apparatus for collecting images
> and information is already available.  if we can figure out something
> that will work without getting too boring or disruptive the software
> should already be there to be implemented.


> sometimes, my ideas get out of hand or too complex....

So do those of many people.

One last note, what language is the R-o-D page generator written in? 
And how big is your resource collection (e.g. size)?  Maybe I could
take a look at either the former or the latter, and see what I can

Hm.  You know what would be an interesting idea?  A resource-a-day
script project.  It sounds like something you could put on
sourceforge.  ^^

 - Just my two cents
 - No man is an island, and no man is unable.
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