Hi Carol,

Any gfx wizards out there that want to support the GIMP manual??
Thats you chance!

i have successfully used the distress selection script-fu to make the
edges of screenshots look like torn paper.

the sawtooth that you describe might be easier to achieve by making a

 .               .

    .    .
      .          .

looks like a view out of the window to me (its night in germany already) :)

i don't know if those points demonstrate what i am trying to say about
using the pathtool, but the pathtool should be able to do to a gimp
image what i am unable to show via email, and that is to connect those
points with straight lines.  that can be turned into two different
things.  a selection by which to make your image smaller with and the
path can be exported to a simple SVG file and shared among all doc
writers who need the same effect.

I know I could spend some time to try to achieve something by myself, but since there are so many people in here that know how to be creative, would I like to concentrate on writing manual and making screenshots. So if any of you could just make an .xcf with one long border in it as layer mask?



the svg can be transformed using all of the gimp's transformation tools
and will fit any gimp image with only a little bit of work.


Live is like a chocolate box, you never know what you wanna get...
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