Brendan wrote:
On Wednesday 01 March 2006 05:46, Manish Singh wrote:
Gimpshop slaps the people who know the code of gimp in the face, and
then expects to take up the slack because they don't know how
to properly support a community. I don't see why the animosity is so

Because Gimshop has generated more excitement than the Gimp ever has and certain people might be a little ruffled?

Who are you kidding? Why don't you simply take your trolling elsewhere. I've been using gimp for years now, never had an interest in using it in a windows environment, never will. I'm not interested in seeing GIMP emulate Photoshop.

Perhaps because Gimpshop fulfills a need that has been ignored for a long time? Artists get used to a tool and they don't want to learn a new one. Photoshop is usually that tool,

Then let them stay with Photoshop if their issue is such. They want their cake and eat it too. They want GIMP price, but they don't want to learn a better interface.

fortunately or unfortunately. It's a shame that Gimpshop as a project isn't really much in the way of structure, but why not rip it off and inspire them to get better? Make fun of them until they change? Write a guide for people to make Gimpshop "proper" for inclusion, and heck, even I might give it a shot.

You can not fix the way it was created. That is the issue at hand. As other's have noted, the creator of GIMPSHOP has created confusion by not following the accepted protocol for forking an application. He/she should have made reasonable attempts to work with the existing developers. As it is, it's a poor and confusing hack.

Until later, Geoffrey

War never solved anything, well, except slavery, fascism and communism
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