On Monday 13 March 2006 10:10, Olivier Ripoll wrote:
> Michael Schumacher wrote:
> > wayne wrote:
> >> http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=06/03/07/1813207
> >>
> >> Saw the above article on Newsforge.
> >
> > Well, it shows that the author doesn't read the OpenUsability forum. Of
> > course, this makes it a suitable article for NewsForged, but without
> > proof for the authors claims it is worthless.
> >
> > I'd highly recommend and appreciate it if anyone who wants to
> > participate in the discussion that will take place in this thread reads
> > the relevant sources (OpenUsability forum, GIMP mailing list archives,
> > news group and Bugzilla for threads concerning GIMPShop) himself and in
> > whole. Thank you.
> >
> >
> > Michael
> Hi Michael,
> I have been searching for the bugzilla for occurrences of the word
> "gimpshop" and cannot find anything except a small refernce to changing
> the name of the "dialogs" menu (*).
> Do you have any bug in mind ? I might have not used the bugzilla search
> function very efficiently.
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> Olivier.
> (*) Well, I found 4 bugs, but in 2, "gimpshop" is just used to say
> "works for me in gimp and gimpshop" and in the third, "gimpshop" looks
> like a misspelling of "gimpshot"
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AFAIK Gimpshop or gimp-shop is an offshoot of Gimp that is not well regarded
here because of procedural issues. It apparently tries to put the
look and feel of Photoship onto Gimp. I would search Google to
find out more. 

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