On Thursday 23 March 2006 13:50, Michael Schumacher wrote:
> Rhys Sage wrote:
> > Ok. So Ubuntu is recommended. How about a GUI? I can't
> > say I really care for either KDE or Gnome. I did see
> > one called Athene that looked pretty nice but I don't
> > know what it'd run on.
> Could it be that the person who's answering you is sending mails in
> private? From the point of view of the list, only the half of the
> conversation seems to be getting here.
> Michael

GUIs are tools just like any other software. What they look like
should be subordinate to what they do. I find that sticking with
KDE is a safe bet. I use Slack and Patrick Volkerding has already
kicked Gnome off the island. 

If "look pretty nice" is a biggie with the other person I suggest
that here are plenty of themes for him to play with on either
KDE or Gnome. 
John Culleton
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