On Friday 31 March 2006 04:32, matt1027 wrote:
> At 02:06 AM 3/31/06 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hi, I have to add a watermark to my photo  but I don't know how ....
> >
> >can you tell me what I can do, I have Gimp for linux
> I haven't come across a tutorial written specifically for Gimp yet but here
> are a couple written for PS but you should be able to adapt them for Gimp
> or maybe someone on the list would create a Gimp tutorial based on the
> concept.
> http://fotofects.com/articles/320/1/Holographic-Watermark
> http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/7893736/
> Matt
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Doug Reynolds apparently made a script a while back.
I have it in my setup. It works perfectly.
I think i got it from the pulgin/script download pages on gimp.org...
If you cant find it, just tell me and ill mail it or something...

web     : http://www.rikjoh.com
mob:    : +46 (0)763 19 76 25
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