On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 07:17 -0700, saulgoode wrote:
> A, I am not sure if the following produces the effect you desire, but  
> it should be easy enough to test it out.
> * Activate the QuickMask and stroke your path with a WHITE pen.
> * Deactivate QuickMask.
> * Use the Blend tool to fill the selection with the appropriate  
> gradient. You will probably wish to set the Shape to "Shaped (angular)".

Thanks - that almost works.

First problem is that the shaped (angular) gradient is also bi-linear.
So what I did was try it twice on two layers, once from low to middle
and once from middle to high. Then chopped out half of each.
(Since I actually have a lower layer filled two colours, the chop
out was, luckily, easy to do using an intersection colour selection)
Unfortunately, the result was still pretty much unusable.

Here's a hand in the picture I'm creating, done this way.

If I can't find a better way I'll use that one - since it's way better
than what I can do by hand, but hopefully someone knows a way to get
a perfect result.

However, thanks for the QuickMask bit - I never knew about it before!
Very useful!

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