Hi everybody !

I have made a script to resize picture... but it doesn't work anymore, I 
have change something but I don't remember what...
Can someone help me?
Thanks a lot !


Here is my code :

(define (script-fu-image-resize filename f-width f-height f-quality)
  (let* (
     (img 0)
     (drw 0)
     (height1 0)
     (width1 0)
     (fileparts (strbreakup filename "."))
    (set! img (car (file-jpeg-load 1 filename filename)))
    (set! height1 (car (gimp-image-height img)))
    (set! width1 (car (gimp-image-width img)))
    (if (< height1 width1)
      (set! f1-height f-height)
      (set! f1-width f-width)
    (if (> height1 width1)
      (set! f1-height f-width)
      (set! f1-width f-height)
    ;; set image resolution to 72dpi
    (gimp-image-set-resolution img 72 72)
    ;; create 'full-size' image
    (gimp-image-scale img f1-width f1-height)
    ;; also flatten image to reduce byte storage even further
    (set! drw (car (gimp-image-flatten img)))
    ;; save at quality level of .75 (gimp default) - saves storage
    (file-jpeg-save 1 img drw
            (string-append (car fileparts) "-mini.jpg")
            (string-append (car fileparts) "-mini.jpg")
            f-quality 0 0 0 " " 0 1 0 1)
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