On Monday 09 July 2007, Alex Feldman wrote:
> Hi Brendan,
> > David, it's just not worth it. The powers on this list are frighteningly
> > short-sighted when it comes to discussions like you are proposing. Even
> > though a large chunk of the list feels differently, they will moderate
> > you eventually into the ground.
> Well, "a large chunk" is suitably vague, but I just want it clear that
> many of us also appreciate the moderation.  I don't appreciate people
> like David Southwell coming in and trying to turn the list into
> something that it is not, which is a list about Gimp.  It is not about
> Gimpshop, or ImageMagick, or CinePaint, or whatever.  The fact that he
> can find some help is not the point - you could probably find people on
> this list interested in political candidates or global warming, but this
> is not the place for those discussions.
> In my opinion.

David had Gimpshop in one thread, big deal. People get so sensitive about one 
guy discussing one topic which is confusing. If the topic doesn't get 
replies, then it dies. Now a wiki exists to explain to people like David why 
the people who run Gimp feel the way they do. All done. Now you can get back 
to discussing whatever you were discussing. If one topic on a mailing list 
ruins your day, perhaps you should look into lightening up.
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