A minor annoyance I had to deal with is when I am attempting to use blur
effects on layers with transparent areas - instead of assuming that the
transparent areas have no color worth blurring at all, GIMP seems to assume
that they are black for the purpose of the blurring algorithm - which can
cause some rather ugly side effects.

To see what I am talking about, start with a new image with a white
background. Create a new, transparent layer, and place a pure white object
on it (such as a white circle). Now apply any blur function to it.

What you will see are some gray boundary areas around your white object,
depending on what parameters you used for the blur effect.

Now in _my_ opinion, what ideally _should_ happen is that you see nothing at
all in this case - the white of the object should be a bit more spread out
with a greater graduation of the object's transparency in the boundary
areas, but there shouldn't be any discolorations.

Is there some way to achieve this with GIMP?

- Jürgen Hubert

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