sorry, you misunderstood me:

I already use 2.4. rc1 on mac osx and I am missing the color info. my
question is, if you (under windows) find the color info in the menu "view".

thank you!

Am 04.09.2007 14:12 Uhr schrieb "Alexander Rabtchevich" unter

> I do not have 2.2 now - I use 2.3.x or 2.4 RC. Today 2.4 RC2 has been
> released. 2.4 has so much new nice tools, abilities and features that I
> recommend you upgrading. Maybe the problem is solved in 2.4.
> Bettina Lechner wrote:
>> thank you for your interest & help ­ yes shift works e.g. with the
>> selection tool but not with the pipette, though I see that shift
>> enables the checkbox in the tool options of the pipette (I can also
>> check it per mouse). but no color info...
>> do you see the entry color info in the menu view? where it has been
>> under version 2.2?


newhouse -  new media
Bettina Karena Lechner
neue str 16, 2565 neuhaus

mobil: +43 660 46 25 0 25
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