Yes, I have got the same answer from another forum as well. I have libexif
0.6.13 installed. It's the version that is available in one of the
repositories when Ubuntu 7.04 is just installed. I use the automatic update
all the time, and so far there has not been an update for that file.

So I downloaded libexif 0.6.16, since someone said that he fixed his problem
(the same as mine) with that file after compiling and installing it

I am a newbie of compiling so I am not sure if I was doing everything I
should, because efter installing it, the same problem persisted.

I downloaded an archive which I unpacked in a folder in my home folder. Then
I opened a terminal, went to that folder, which contained files like INSTALL
(where I could read about how to install), configure and a lot of other

Then I followed the instructions:
make install

There was a lot of "permission denied" in the last step, so I tried sudo
make install which seemed to work.

The problem is that it seems like I still have the old version. The images
still can't be loaded, for the same reason as before. So right now I don't
know what went wrong. Do I still have the old version? Do I have the new
version, but need an even newer one? Do I have both versions so I need to
make GIMP use the new one rather than the old one?

As I said, I am a hopeless beginner so far...

Johnny Rosenberg

2007/9/24, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> most probably you are experiencing problems with the EXIF data in your
> images. Please make sure that you are using the latest released versions
> of libexif and GIMP. There have been many bug fixes recently, in
> particular for images from Olympus cameras.
> Sven
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