no, my habit on this type of thing is to separately save the two versions
(to desktop while working; to be moved when done).  I then pick one of the
images with Select>All and Edit>Copy.  I then go to the other image and hit
Edit>Paste.  I now have 2 layers which show up in the layers palette, one
image atop the other.  The next thing I do, because it really helps with
creation of an idea, is to go through the layer modes and see if any
combination sparks an idea within me.  I got my best ideas in the given
example with the following Mode Combos: Difference (always dramatic),
Subtract, Grain Extract, Grain Merge.  I chose Difference because the result
reminded me of a dramatic woodcut.  I flattened it, saved it as a 3rd file
on the desktop and then proceeded to play with other tools in Gimp till I
got something I liked.  BTW, with my method, it always does open to the same
file folder (in this case desktop) because I'm creating new files from
previous files.  I get rid of all the inbetween versions (typically) when I
finally have something I like.  Every once in awhile I'll end up with a
alternate version or two which I also like but it is pure dumb luck.  And I
sometimes end up with total mud and trash everything.  the most usual
scenario in ending up with mud is that i've gone too far.  by contrast, i
almost always get good results if i don't overdo it on the technique end.
(this is true in every media of art, not just digital art)


On 10/2/07, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- carol irvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i opened gimp and just used the default black brush and made a bunch
> > of black squiggles on a white canvas.  then i altered that version
> > with a filter.  and, drum roll please, made them into two layers!
> I did this in 2.2.17 and I didn't get another layewr.  Was the layer
> created automatically?
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