On Thursday 11 October 2007 00:50:09 J Figueroa G - Gmail wrote:
> (I dont speak and read english so much)

Don't worry about it ("No worries!" here in Australia).

I'd just be guessing if I _chose_ your native language as Spanish
or something like it (Casablanca?), & would have to patiently
spend time (days or weeks) learning to _speak_ the language
in order to say anything more useful than "hello."

If it's Latin-based I could possibly blunder my way through
most of it, but it would be entertaining for you (or any other
onlooker) to watch me try that.

My knowledge outside of English is almost zero. I was born in
Canada of Australian parents, & promptly (2 years) imported
"back" into Australia again.

I have friends from various parts of Africa, Peru, Laos, Brazil,
France, Italy, Poland etc but that hasn't been enough to prompt
me to learn another language. Oh, except for C, ForTran, BASIC,
PHP, Pascal, Modula2, assembler...

Cheers; Leon
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