
Maybe you can post a page for us to see the original, unedited, then the 
page where you see the resizing.  I use ImageMagick and others use other 
programs to do auto-resizing (size, quality, etc) of uploaded images to 
ensure that they fit within the space intended.


Simon Roberts wrote:
> Hi all,
> I created a headshot for a friend, but the website she's posted it on, which 
> is essentially out of her control, does some automatic resizing. Actually, 
> I'm not sure if the resizing occurs in the server, or on the client browser. 
> Anyway, the original image has been offered at a variety of sizes, and every 
> time it ends up looking granular and awful on the end user's browsers. The 
> site admins don't know anything--they're just using a system that was written 
> for them.
> I would provide a single small image resized to the final size, but I don't 
> think that will work because a) I think the resizing is dynamic, and b) the 
> user can click on the image to get a bigger (the unresized) image. I want the 
> larger one to still exist and we'll lose that if we just go with a small 
> image.
> Under these dreadfully sub-optimal conditions, what can I do, or what should 
> I avoid doing, to try to ensure the resized image looks as good as it can?
> I should point out that other people's pictures all look better than my 
> friend's. Not always great, to be sure, but clearly there's room to improve 
> if I knew what to do.
> TIA,
> Simon
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