On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 23:18:36 -0500, Alec Burgess wrote:

> The release I got was: gimp-2.7.0-r28042-i686-setup.exe from (I think):
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=121075&package_id=240554

> That file now longer is available there - it still shows up in the 
> Google cache:

The file is still available - just look a bit closer.

> The current version of that page now shows:  GIMP 2.7.0 (SVN rev.28070) 
> + GTK+ 2.14.7
> no setup.exe files, just three babl, gegl and gimp tar.lzma files which 
> I assume (?) are source files.

I had some problems with running GIMP (had to recompile), so I only
uploaded it this morning.

> Am I looking in the correct place but just jumping the gun because you 
> haven't yet created the expected setup.exe file?
> Is an RSS-feed watch on that page the correct way to find out when you 
> have created a new win32 build?

SourceForge has an option to send an e-mail notification (which is
triggered by me), that's probably the best option.

< Jernej Simončič >< http://deepthought.ena.si/ >
< Contact address: >< jernej simoncic at isg si >

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