Ken Warner wrote:
> I also would like to download the GIMP documentation and run it locally.
> But I can't find a help manual download.  I only can find a tar.bz2 
> tarball
> and I don't think I have a program to open that...
> Where is a downloadable GIMP help file with all the HTML pages in it
> so I can run the help locally from GIMP?
tar.bz2 is a linux compressed file, so it won't be any use to you if 
you're running Windows.
On linux, first move the downloaded <name-of-file>.tar.bz2 file to a 
folder where it will be convenient to keep the Help manual.
Then in a terminal window, type
tar  xzvjf  <name-of-file>.tar.bz2
This will uncompress the Help Manual into your chosen folder.

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