> Sven Neumann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sun, 2009-03-08 at 13:10 -0400, a...@trixtar.org wrote:
>>> Can't locate Gimp.pm in @INC
>> Looks like you don't have gimp-perl installed.
> It's a little confusing, there's gimp-perl and perl-gimp, I
> find only perl-Gimp for OpenSUSE and I have version
> 2.0pre3-4.1.i586.rpm installed. It also provides a long list
> including such as
>  Gimp::Fu
>  Gimp::PDL
>  Gimp::Util
>  Gimp::Lib
>  Gimp::Net
> But they don't load with the 'use Gimp::Fu' command.

What do you get when you check your modules for Gimp?

# perl -MFile::Find=find -MFile::Spec::Functions -Tlwe 'find { wanted
=> sub { print canonpath $_ if /\.pm\z/ }, no_chdir => 1 }, @INC'
|grep Gimp

Have a look at http://search.cpan.org/search?query=gimp&mode=all

and try install the missing modules

I am unsure as to the currency of Gimp-Perl or Perl-Gimp (name I think
depends on distro)


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