Owen (rc...@pcug.org.au) wrote (in part)  (on 2009-05-03 at 23:13):
 On Sun, 03 May 2009 22:44:23 -0400
 Gene Heskett <gene.hesk...@gmail.com> wrote:

 > > Greetings;
 > >
 > > Latest gimp-2.6 from fedora installed, and once again I am
 > > to crop an image and cannot.  Why is it so difficult to select a
 > > rectangular area of the image, like the whole top 1/3 or the whole
 > > bottom 1/3, and just plain crop it just as if I'd taken the paper
 > > cutters to the print.  But while I can make the 'canvas' white, I
 > > cannot actually cut that part of the canvas and toss it in
 > > which should be indicated by the checkerboard pattern replacing

To get "checkerboard pattern replacing " make sure the background layer "has alpha channel" (right-click on layers menu and select [Add alpha channel]. If a layer has NO alpha channel its name will appear in bold in the layer menu and cutting or cropping will show the background color.

To "just plain crop it just as if I'd taken the paper cutters to the print" ... maybe you want Image-[Fit image to canvas]?

Regards ... Alec   (bura...@gmail & WinLiveMess - alec.m.burg...@skype)

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