
I'm new to the world of script-fu writing, and I'm trying to make a 
script for repetitive actions I need to make.

Here is my script:
(define (make-pion-3d image calque)
   (let *
       (newCalque (car (gimp-layer-copy calque TRUE)))
     (gimp-image-add-layer image newCalque 0)
     (script-fu-add-bevel 0 image newCalque 30 FALSE FALSE)

   "Make pion 3D"
   "Creates a 3D pion"
   "Didier Bretin"
   "Didier Bretin"
   SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
   SF-DRAWABLE "Calque du pion" 0
(script-fu-menu-register "make-pion-3d" "<Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/Pion")

And when I try to apply it on a layer, I got the following error:
Erreur d'exécution « Make pion 3D » :
Error: Procedure execution of gimp-image-get-active-drawable failed on 
invalid input arguments: La procédure « gimp-image-get-active-drawable » 
a été appelée avec un ID erroné pour le paramètre « image ». Très 
probablement un greffon est en train d'essayer de travailler sur une 
image qui n'existe plus.

The french error message tells that I use a false ID for the parameter 
"image". Probably a script is trying to work on a image that doesn't 
exist anymore.

Any idea which error I make ?

Didier Bretin

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