Grant B. wrote:
> Hey all, I'm working on a project and would like to be able to produce an
> effect similar to one of those holograms on a credit card.
> Specifically, I'd like to replicate the metallic shine of the background, and
> if possible, the picture to some extent.
> Anyone know how/know where a good guide to doing so is? I looked around
> google for a while and didn't see anything.
Ouch!  Did Homeland Security get a copy of this? :)
Yeah, I would be anonymous too. :)

I'm laughing - but on a serious note, most any better tutorial for 
drawing machine parts for display (as opposed to shop needs) should have 
something on the subject.  So should any book on drawing anything that 
displays chrome parts. Holographic look and feel will need something 
better than a regular printer.

If you can get by with just a visual, look up Eric Christensen's 
watercolors which have both glass and (sometimes) metal. In general I 
find most "art" to be very overly priced. I recently saw one of Eric's 
originals (as opposed to a lithograph). Priced at tens of thousands of 
US$ it was still not pricey. If you can duplicate what you see - these 
might be helpful.

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