On Wed, 2010-01-13 at 18:20 -0500, Frank Gore wrote:
> But the problem is that it doesn't convert when I open the file. It
> just assumes the picture is in sRGB and interprets the color space
> that way. Have you ever seen the colors of a file in Adobe RGB that's
> incorrectly interpreted as sRGB? They're flat and dull, bland,
> lifeless. I lose a bunch of contrast and saturation.

Possibly, but then you don't provide a display color profile so maybe
it's your display that's washed out, not the image.  What may happen is
that the Adobe RGB->sRGB happens just fine but what you *SEE* is the
sRGB, not what the image should be when mapped to the color profile of
the monitor.

Again, I'm mostly talking out my be-hind here.  I've done some articles
on the color management stuff so I've played with it and I have both
monitor and print profiles set up.  But I'm not completely sure where
the conversions happen on the file open and display pipeline.

> Oh I can assign the right color profile and it fixes it right away, no
> conversion necessary. But how do I know which color profile to assign?
> What if the original was SUPPOSED to look bland and lifeless? What if
> I'm messing up the colors by assigning an Adobe RGB profile where I
> was supposed to leave it as sRGB? That tends to mess up the colors the
> other way, adding contrast and saturation where there should be less.

Again, this seems to me to point to an incorrect monitor color

> In any case, like I mentioned in my original post, I specifically have
> it set to "Ask what to do" in the Preferences, and it doesn't ask.

Like I said, this could be because there is nothing to ask about.  The
file is opened by converting from its original color space to the
working space and then displayed that way.  The "asking" may only happen
when you want to convert from the original color space to your display
color space (which could be your monitor profile or a print profile, for
example) before conversion to sRGB for working.

Again, this just a guess.  I'm talking enough to convince myself but we
really need someone with more color management experience explaining it.
Michael J. Hammel                                    Principal Software Engineer
mjham...@graphics-muse.org                           http://graphics-muse.org
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
  --  Credited to the Dalai Lama.

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