It could be done with a displacement map fairly easily, or possibly
the curve bend tool.

There is a GSoC project that may give a "cage distort" that would make
such a thing trivial.

-Rob A.

On 3/28/10, Deniz Dogan <> wrote:
> Recently a friend of mine showed me a picture where someone had taken
> a photo of a newspaper that laid on a table, slightly folded in the
> middle as newspapers often are. (See e.g.
> This particular someone had then inserted a picture of himself,
> replacing some other picture that was on the front page. It looked
> pretty realistic, unless one looked closely.
> This got us discussing how this someone had put the picture of himself
> in there. The main problem would be to get the picture to "fold"
> according to the newspaper. We are both newbies when it comes to this
> sort of stuff, but my friend who is a computer graphics freak insisted
> that the person had used a 3D model of a newspaper and then simply
> "texturized" it with the image of himself.
> Personally, I thought (and still believe) that this can easily be done
> using a GIMP plugin in which one somehow selected the parts where the
> real image was located on the newspaper and then the plugin would
> perform some magic (skew etc.) to replace it with the other picture.
> Are there any plugins readily available for this sort of stuff? Is it
> "easy" to write a plugin which does this?
> --
> Deniz Dogan
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