Edit → Preferences → View → Screen resolution → Calibrate… → I measured on  
the screen and got 424 mm horisontally and 185,5 mm vertically. The result  
was a resolution of 95.849×95.849 dpi. Restarted GIMP, created a new image  
of 100×100 mm, viewed it at 100% zoom but it was still 75×75 mm, just like  
before I calibrated. Does the screen resolution thing work at all? I  
experimented with other settings too, but still a 100×100 mm image was  
75×75 mm, no matter what values I used.

The quick workaround for my screen is to view at 133% zoom, but that  
doesn't feel right…

Tested this at 2 different computers with the same lack of results:
Ubuntu 9.10, GIMP 2.6.8
Ubuntu 10.10, GIMP 2.6.10

Am I supposed to restart Ubuntu for these settings to take place?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg
Gimp-user mailing list

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