At 11:07 PM 1/19/2011, you wrote:
>Ray Tayek <> writes:
> > if i import an eps into gimp and save it as a gif, it look pretty
> > good. but i need to convert hundreds of these.
> >
> > can someone point me to some kind of starter script that would go
> > throug the eps files in a directory and do the conversion.
>ImageMagick's convert tool would be a good choice.

i've been trying that. i tried all combinations of some of the these:

def csg="-colorspace gray"
def c2="-colors 2"
def bw="-background white"
def d1="-depth 1"
def fl="-flatten"
def ao="-alpha off"

you can see the results here.

none of them look as good as the gimp output.



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