On Tue, 30 May 2000, Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero wrote:

> >That may sounds strange, but why couldn't we add semantic specs in xcf
> >files for instance ? A new standard ?
> >That could be stated over some structured log ; transient as layering...
> Gimp 1.1.x and GDynText provide that. But plain 1.0.4 does not. That is the

        actually gdyntext works on 1.0.4 just download the plugin from

> reason he got that "no" answer. XCF does a lot of things, Gimp too, the
> problem is that if you want latest things, you have to run bleeding edge
> versions... with Helix GNOME that is not a problem, Helix Code compiles
> latest Gimp periodically. Maybe you could give a try (if it burns your
> computer, no complains accepted, only bug report and fixes ;] ).


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