* Jon K Anderson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000726 10:36]:
> a year now.  As a hobby project, I am         working on a music CD
> cover art and lyrics booklet.  I am hoping that someone out there can
> give me some advice on how to get gimp digital work out to a print
> shop.  (I am afraid that I am a total novice about printing :-])

Do you need only a few of those booklets or will it be used for a 
professional cd production ? For your personal use, using 
Postscript with the right PPD schould be the right way.
For professional cd production, the manufacturer needs special 
color separated films with different specifications for 
Inlaycard/Booklet and the CD-Label (They use offset printing for the booklets and
Siebdruck (screen printing ?) for the cd-label.

These websites will give you an Idea of those things:
(the mediabit site is in german, try 
 http://babelfish.altavista.com for translation ;)

Ciao, Bjørn

        o_)   Bjoern Buerger        http://bbuerger.home.pages.de
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