On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 01:39:13PM +1000, Mick Raynes wrote:
> Can anyone offer us assistance with converting/saving a jpg image as png?
> We have around 5000 images which come in at around 150kb each.  We are
> hoping to convert the images to png because down the track we are hoping to
> convert them to thumbnails on the fly.  The images will only be presented on
> the net (assume browser capability)and it is pretty important that we retain
> colour and shadow integrity.  We have limited experience with Gimp however
> we are pretty confident that it will fit the bill and that once we determine
> the process we will be able to batch convert the images.  The original jpg's
> are not all in the same format as they are taken with different digital
> cameras with different settings.  Our aim would be to reduce the original
> jpg 1000 by 1000 and 120kb (as an eg) to a png 500 by 500 and about 30kb.
> As an example we have posted an original jpg image on the net at
> www.tablelandsonline.net.au/_test/lychee.jpg

If you are looking for a file size reduction, then I don't think the PNG
format will fit your bill.  PNG files generally (in my experiance) have
a much large file size than a JPEG.  Also, since you source image is already
in JPEG format I don't think you'll see any increase in image quality.

- Tal

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|                       Tal Danzig |      Libranet Linux      |
|                 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |     The TOP Desktop!     |
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Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword.
        -- Edward G Bulwer

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