On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Chuck Egner wrote:

> Another useful "trick" is to insert another layer (set to transparent)
> ontop of the one you want to manipulate and then make your changes and
> adjust the transparency on the floating selection with the layers and
> transp. slider before you anchor to the layer below.

What I ended up doing was to add anher layer, add my color and then merge
visible layers, then went to the next fram.e I tried using the floating
cross section, but couldnt' see to get the hang of it. Anyway,
goodlearning expereince. I had read the Grokking the Gimp tutorial, but I
do learn better by doing.

> It comes in handy for fixin' pics also as you can use your small eraser
> and zoom up to erase to background layer.
> If your hacking a pic, keep several "scratch" files open (if you open
> them from your original, they'll all be the right canvas size) and you
> can use them to scale before you paste into your final image.
> Hang in there, layers give people fits and make them swear that there is
> something wrong with their hardware, software, install, or the world in
> general (sometimes rightly so), but they are usefull.
> As always your mileage may vary, I think your running Red hat and it
> seems that you've got enough resources to keep several gimp windows open
> (if your not surfing), but I do see a difference between my AIX and
> wintel boxes (uh, AIX is better, at least Xtn's don't crash the app all
> the time).

I'm using SuSE 7.0 - it seems to manage everything quite nicely. Won't
disucss the f&*$%#g scanner and printer tho. Had the printer working for a
day or so, now it refuses to run. Prior to putting Linux 6.2, and now 7.0
on this Pentium II six or so months ago, my only real onhands experience
was with a 1985 XT. (And a few hours using photoshop at a friends house)
I did do the majority of my 20 meg+ website on the XT, though.

SHARP learning curve...

> Nice work with the Schnauser,
> HTH and Stay warm

The Schnauzer now has color. Thanks to all. :)



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