On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 11:17 AM Shimon Shore via gimp-web-list wrote:
> Hello,
> I am interested in using Gimp in our organization. In order to get approval 
> from our cyber security unit they tested your website on Hybrid Analysis 
> which marks it as Malicious - 
> https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/4d31ab35224693e07ef33b7c97ffa09962ec205a86fd16af03e246ebd374da1e
> One of the main problems is that many of the files on your server failed 
> virus scans as seen below.
> Can you look into/fix the problem with infected files on your server?

Hello Shimon,

I'm looking at the generated report with one eyebrow up and a stupid
grin on my silly face because it tells me, among other things, that
several AV tools flagged SHA256 hash files as malicious :) Are your CS
guys aware of false positives?

How about testing the latest build for Windows?


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