Dear to whom it may concern,

I am a representative of PRIZM cryptocurrency and "Change the World
Together" (CWT) International Social Movement, in Europe and the USA.

I am writing to find out if you were already familiar with the PRIZM
cryptocurrency, that, as of today, provides the fastest and the cheapest
transactions on the crypto market, and if you may want to consider
integrating it as one of the cryptocurrencies that you accept for donations?

There are other implications to PRIZM:

PRIZM gives a chance for every poor person on this planet to start the
emission of new monetary units, bypassing the centralized authorities
(FRS/IMF), as it is based on Proof-of-Stake algorithm consensus, together
with a unique technology of Paramining.
This algorithm allows to start the emission of new monetary units right on
one's personal wallet, without mining equipment, - simply by storing any
amount of coins on that e-wallet. The process of generating new blocks into
the Blockchain goes separately from Paramining. Administration of the
Blockchain is carried out by volunteers and a Node for that is installed
separately. Paramining, on the other hand - is available for any users!

More information about that can be found on the official website:

Open source is available on GitHub, together with the API that can be
integrated to any project -

Right now PRIZM is on a big rise in the world (Kingdom of Bhutan fully
legalizing it and accepting in par with their national currency) and there
will be people willing to donate with PRIZM in the future!

Is it possible for me to speak directly a person who is responsible for
this, so we could discuss everything in more detail?

Please, let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you

Kind regards

Ilya Ibyshev, Marketing Director CWT Official
gimp-web-list mailing list

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