Hi Pat!

On Wed, 21 Jul 2021 09:43:19 -0500
Pat David via gimp-web-list <gimp-web-list@gnome.org> wrote:

> Howdy!
> We have a few different web properties that are handled a little
> differently.
> Primarily we have https://www.gimp.org which is the main website people
> usually find.
> This site is currently a static website built using the Pelican generator
> (Python 3 right now).
> The repo for the website is here:
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/gimp-web
> I would like to migrate this to use Hugo (https://gohugo.io) instead.

A few questions:

1. How is Hugo superior to Pelican wrt the gimp.org site?

2. Is there a consensus among the contributors for that transition? (Note that
I exclude myself given I didn't contribute a lot.)

Also see
https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/psychology/changing-the-seldon-plan/ .

> We (pixls.us) keep a base Hugo template handy using Bootstrap:
> https://gitlab.com/pixlsus/hugo-bootstrap-bare
> I would take time to familiarize yourself with the repo and to ask/propose
> any questions on the issue tracker there (for maximum visibility).
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 12:47 AM CristoDCGomez via gimp-web-list <
> gimp-web-list@gnome.org> wrote:
> > Hello everyone!
> >
> > My name is Cristopher Caamana, I'm a front-end engineer with 9 years of
> > experiencie in web development. I just entered again to check the
> > documentation and I noticed that the website may need some help with UX, UI
> > and some web development.
> >
> > I've trying to find if there is any guideline for the website, brand guide,
> > or something related to it (I just followed wiki links, and that's why I'm
> > here). If there is such information, can you help me with the links?
> >
> > I read that the project is open to external help, so if you are interested
> > I can start with an analysis of the current website and propose a plan for
> > update it.
> >
> > Greetings!
> > _______________________________________________
> > gimp-web-list mailing list
> > gimp-web-list@gnome.org
> > https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-web-list
> >  


Shlomi Fish       https://www.shlomifish.org/

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