At 10:13 a.m. 03/04/99 , you wrote:
>I too am interested in people's opinions of the 4.05 driver. I initially
>tried Event's early ASIO driver, and was unhappy with the crashes and
>screeches, but I presume these have been ironed out (I still use 3.08). My
>main concern however was that I could not use Wavelab from Cubase VST
>because WL did not use ASIO drivers. I wonder if anyone could help me with
>a couple of questions:
>1) What, if any, is the solution to the problem of trying to open an audio
>file from VST to edit 'externally' in WL or SF? Can I 'switch off' the ASIO
>driver in VST when I go to edit a wav file, or will this cause havoc with
>Audio System settings?

        At this moment you can't do nothing, WL insist that you have something
bad configured and suggest you that disable play in background, even if you do
that nothing happens... my solution is to monitor WL thru my SBLive, is not the
best solution but it works, as you stated... why the heck WL dont use ASIO? :)
That would be great! Perhaps in version 3? :)

>2) What is the advantage of the ASIO driver? (I guess what I am asking
>about is latency...I don't have any problem with monitoring delays when
>recording currently-presumably because I monitor from the desk-- so could
>someone briefly explain the benefits of reduced latency). Will it improve
>things like audio to MIDI delay or audio to audio delay (ie. recording
>audio from one to another audio track)? 

        I dont know exactly the advantages other than ASIO is made by steinberg
and the VST uses the hardware in a more comprehensive way, lets put it this
way, if you have ASIO the card will work PERFECT with VST and in my case
it has 25ms latency, also you can make it shorter tweaking the registry but
you loose stability hence my 25ms instead of the 4Ms possible :)

>Many thanks in advance, Matthew.

        BTW is there someone having a GINA and a SBLive linked together?
I'm having some 44<>48khz sync issues that I would like to resolve but I
guess that I can't since SBLive works at 48khz internally :(

SodA - Gustavo Ruiz

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