I believe that in many urban areas in the early 20th century, and later
in some places, something like 80 to 90% of people had TB infections, 
but only a minority developed long-term or fatal illness.

My mother had lung X-rays as an adult which indicated that she had
probably had TB as a child, but obviously recovered.

It was/is very different if TB is introduced somewhere where it has 
not previously been endemic, and where people have not developed
resistance. Some Native American communities were almost wiped out 
as a result of suddenly being exposed to TB infections carried by
white settlers.


In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Dorian E. Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Debra wondered...
> > Also I was wondering about TB - before antibiotics did people recover
> > spontaneously, or did the people thought to be threatened who didn't
> > actually die not really have consumption in the first place.
> Yes, I believe some people did recover, due simply to their own body's being
> able to fight the disease off.  I've read of several cases of women who
> lived in Dublin's tenements in the first half of the 20th century (where TB
> was endemic) later having chest x-rays and being asked "when did you have
> TB?".  They hadn't even known they'd contracted and recovered from the
> disease, probably because they were too busy nursing family members at the
> time.
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