Hello Everybody!

I hope someone can help me with this because I didn't find any
information on that subject in the internet, and I'm struggling with
this for a whole two days now....

we're using git for a year now and the repository grow very big,
the main remote repository is located on a local network computer and
all the developers push and pull from it

the problem is, it's taking a lot of time for simple everyday
operations like pull, push, show log (TortoiseGit), check for
modifications (TortoiseGit) - to complete. also all the old commits
are irrelevant (there is no way in the world we could ever revert to
those commits)

is there a way to somehow cut off half of the repository, meaning get
rid of the old commits, for instance throw away all the first half of
year of commits in order to make the repository lighter and easier to

Scott Chacon (http://git-scm.com/) recommended his post: Replace
Kicker (http://progit.org/2010/03/17/replace.html).  I like the idea
of pushing all history (old commits) to a separate ("history")
repository while removing the same history from the main repository.
unfortunately his tutorial doesn't explain how to synchronize this
change with the main remote repository and with all other local

we are around 5 developers, so it's still reasonable to go over all
the repositories of everybody and rebase every brunch in the system
manually if that what it's take to make it work...

Thank you for any help on that subject!

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