On Mar 30, 4:07 am, Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen <tfn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just for orientation, me and Sabba are sparring about how to setup and use a
> Git-SVN mirror. More details (explaining 'upci' and more)  can be found
> here:http://blog.tfnico.com/2010/11/git-svn-mirror-for-multiple-branches.html
> On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:25:50 AM UTC+2, Sabba Hillel wrote:
> > In running a "git upci" on a particular file, it has been updated in
> > the svn repository but not yet picked up by the git svn "fetch"
> > repository or put into the git repository.
> > Running git upci (update-ref and dcommit) I get an error message from
> > dcommit.
> > Commiting to svn repo/README.txt
> > Merge conflict during commit: File or directory 'README.txt is out of
> > date; try updating: The version resource does not correspond to the
> > resource within the transaction ...
> > I had updated the file with a git pull and the automerge was
> > successful. I have identified the lines that were changed within svn
> > and also the lines committed from within git. What do I do now?
> > Should I issue a git push from my local git to the git repository
> > followed bu a git svn dcommit and then a git svn rebase and git push
> > from the fetch repository?
> No, you must never ever push to the bare git repository, nor the fetching
> repo. These should only contain commits fetched from SVN (identifiable by
> the git-svn information in the commits), something like:
> <commit msg>
> git-svn-id:https://scm.company.com/svn/project@123
> 901b3fc1-1df5-aa1e-233f-0cced8b7b346
> The workflow goes like this:
> 1. Work work work, commit locally
> 2. git pull --rebase
> 3. git upci
> If this doesn't work, something has gone wrong on the way. Please post back
> with a more detailed overview of what you do in the exact order to recreate
> the problem.
> Note that apart from the local commits you do before an "upci", all the
> commits in your repository should have the git-svn information.

Yes that is what I meant. I did the following

1. Make sure the fetch and bare repositories are up to date on the git

git svn rebase --all
git push --mirror

This was on the git-server as a separate task

2. Everything else was on the local

git pull --rebase is done on the local platform.

Someone else does a commit to the svn repository of a change to

The git repository is in between refreshes.

3. On my local platform I update the file README.txt, which was
changed in step 2 on the svn repository.
4. git commit (commit my changes to the local).

5. git upci does the "git svn dcommit"

The git svn dcommit gets the error message.

       Sabba     -          סבא הלל        -     Hillel
Hillel (Sabba) Markowitz | Said the fox to the fish, "Join me ashore"
 sabbahil...@gmail.com | The fish are the Jews, Torah is our water

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