On Jun 30, 1:13 am, Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen <tfn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Friday, June 29, 2012 2:29:59 PM UTC+2, jack sparrow wrote:
> > On Jun 29, 3:36 pm, Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen <tfn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > It is possible to place a .gitignore file in each directory, and Git
> > will
> > > respect this. Therefore it checks every folder for this file, but I
> > doubt
> > > that's what is causing your performance problems.
> > > Can you please describe the size, number of files, and what kinds of
> > files
> > > there are in your repository?
> > > What is your Git version, and operating system?
> > the repo has around 80K files, git version 1.7.10-rc4 and operating
> > system is Linux.
> > the rep has just text based source files like .c,h, mk etc
> This sounds weird. I think I've had much better performance with larger
> repositories.
> I'm tending towards thinking it could maybe be some bug in that version you
> have installed. It looks like a release-candidate (rc4), and could
> therefore be an unstable version. Have you tried other versions of Git?
> There are some interesting observations and discussions on huuuge
> repositories 
> here<http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/189776>,
> but I don't think you should be running into those problems.

ok, is there a way to know what is taking time.
any debugs in git, any profiling, there should be
someway of figuring out what git might be doing ...?

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